Sunday, July 27, 2014

OSA 2014

Proverbs 24:11 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. (NIV

Operation Save America.  At times I can't believe I'm a part of this ministry.  Partly because of the aggressive way they do spiritual battle.  But, after this past week in New Orleans, LA, it's because I feel so blessed to be a part.
We had nightly evening services.  There is no hurry, and to think that you will be out of the service in a typical hour is laughable.  Usually it is at least 2-1/2 hours. There is one main speaker but he only gets the pulpit after 3-4 other men get time to share what is on their heart....and as I said there is no hurry.  These men are eloquent and they are passionate about the gospel and about truth.  They can't help but share what Jesus is doing in their lives and teaching them.  And we can't help but be inspired and encouraged.   It's like a pep rally for the Lord and for life.  Their are moments of cheering and standing to our feet clapping over victories that God has won.  One time 3 men took off running around the sanctuary because of a report of how God was miraculously bringing down abortion in an area.  Did you hear that??  Three MEN caring enough about the lives of unborn babies and about the babies'  mothers that they are stoked into taking a sprint.  That's the kingdom of God in action.
And it's quite a contrast to the men we see dropping off their daughters/granddaughters/girlfriends at an abortion mill.   God calls men to be protectors and providers.
 One sermon that impacted me was about living with a limp as Jacob had to do after wrestling with the angel.  The preacher was a high school football coach at one time who was verbal about abortion and homosexuality on the job.  After a season of no losses, the school board asked him to resign.  He said no, and they fired him.  Since then, he has not been able to get another job because of this limp he has.  He is a marked man and he is remembered for the stand he has taken for the Lord.  For most of his acquaintances, it's not a favorable thing.  No longer do these people want to associate with him.  Are we willing to be marked by the LORD and walk with a noticeable limp through life?
Another message was by a seasoned full time pro-life minister who spoke on glorying in the cross and fellowshipping in the sufferings of Christ.  He shared how taking up your cross can seem like such a noble thing to do until you get hit over the head with a policeman's club and hit the concrete with the pain shooting through your body.  Or if you have to spend some time in jail over trumped up charges.  But, the cross should have a practical presence in our lives and not just be an abstract idea.  The Lord dealt with me about taking joy in the fellowship of suffering with Christ in the sense of my children and grandchildren being so far away.  What a privilege to suffer with Him in my emotions and my heart!  It was a powerful message for me.
During the services, I took great joy in hearing the straight truth that flowed out of these men's mouths.  I was fortified by their courage and was thrilled with how they visibly loved and honored their wives.  Should we say they were true men?

Each morning we had an outreach.  I was at an abortion clinic a couple days.  We were able to share the gospel and share our vision for life with the volunteer escorts who were our captive audience while they waited for mothers to show up at the clinic.  I realized I had stories to share that could impact them so I did!  I shared how Hitler convinced the Germans that the Jews were not human or at least not valuable ones, and how the culture today does the same regarding unborn babies.  I shared how our daughter, Ariana, was born into an alcoholic home with proven neglect and abuse.  Her mother had already had 2 children taken from her.  These are the kinds of pregnancies that 'pro-choice' people think should end to 'protect' the child from the tragedies that will occur.  I pointed out how only God knows the future of each child and we don't know.  Others working the pro-life side sensitively, but directly, shared the gospel message with these workers.  The workers were not permitted to speak to us, but they could sure hear us, and I believe they had things to ponder that night after things got quiet.  A few were obviously under conviction.  And, there was one mother who changed her mind about her abortion because of our presence there.

Another project was a future planned Parenthood site.  They laid the foundation over a year ago, but that is all the further it has gotten.  Pro-life workers in the area started notifying contractors about what would be going on inside Planned Parenthood and one by one they started pulling out.  Now weeds are growing over the site and the mud is washing out over the sidewalk.  They still claim they are going to build....but God will determine that.  The Word of God was poured over that place while we were there.  We stood in groups of 3-4 in different locations around the foundation and the entire Word of God from Genesis to Revelation was read there last week.  Each group would be assigned a book at a time and it would be proclaimed out loud chapter by chapter.  The powers of the air were confronted with truth.

One group drove to Baton Rouge and protested outside of a daycare center.  Why a daycare center?  Because it was owned by an abortionist!  What a conflict of ideas!   Another group drove 5 hours to protest in front of a hospital where an abortionist had admitting privileges.  He doesn't perform abortions there, he delivers live babies.  He kills them in another office in another part of town.  Is this the kind of ob/gyn doctor you would want caring for you and your unborn baby?  People in this area were very supportive of the protest.

One of the pro-life ministers philosophy is, "No child killing with tranquility."  He led several groups into abortionist's neighborhoods to pass out flyers that said "Adopt an abortionist'  The flyer went on to ask the neighbors to pray for so and so that they would stop the child killing.  Most of the neighbors were appreciative and often shocked with the information.  No child killing with tranquility.  This man is also the one who has led regular Bible smuggling trips into China (Mikah has gone).

Another encouraging thing about the week was an African American bishop from New Orleans who was invited to join us.   After a few days, he stood up in service and said that there was a great fire lit within his heart through this group, and he was challenged by the Lord that he didn't do enough for the unborn.  He announced with confidence and authority, "I vow to you that next year there will be more people from my race at this event."  The place erupted in praise and cheering!  We need this people group's involvement, and they need to be involved as often it is the African Americans who are targeted by the pro-aborts.  Praise the Lord!

It was such a blessing to have a young lady come to a service with her young baby and tell her story.  She had gone into the local abortion clinic last fall to get an abortion and as they were doing paperwork, she heard the Lord telling her to get out of that place.  She walked out and one of the pro-life workers asked what they could do to help.  She broke down and sobbed, telling him the situation.  He took her to the crisis pregnancy center next door, and they offered her the help she needed to feel confident enough to keep her baby.  The pro-life worker and his wife have stayed by her side through the months of pregnancy and delivery, and brought her to this service to give her testimony.  She told us, "Keep doing what you're doing - it really works!"  Praise the Lord!

Operation Save America has people from many different churches and states who work locally as well as attend the national event.  One group in Connecticut partners with other ministries and has been able to save over a thousand babies in recent years.  It is so encouraging to hear stories not only of babies being saved, but of mothers and clinic workers giving their lives to Jesus through these faithful servants of Jesus Christ who have taken up the cross and who are willing to walk with a limp!  May we find the reality of the Cross in our lives!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Morning Journey

The alarm clock jolted me awake this morning.  I had struggled to go to sleep the night before and had a bad dream in the process when 5:30 rolled around.  In addition to that, there were a couple real life situations heavy on my mind. After some devotions, I decided to head outside for an early morning walk.  Love these cool mornings we've been having!  I was enjoying the fresh air, the quiet and the lush vegetation.  Even the soybeans in the field had a beauty to offer!  As I walked by the lake near our house, the trees were reflected in the still water and a soft steam rose like mist from it's surface.
As I absorbed the beauty of God's creation, my heart lifted the needs of those on my mind to the Lord.  I was searching for wisdom that I could offer those in troubled situations.  Then the obvious occurred to me....just give the needs to the Lord.  Suddenly I envisioned myself climbing a steep mountain and pushing a heavy load.  I was near the peak and knew as I pushed a little further, the heavy load would be thrust off the mountain and up into the hands of God.  As the load lifted with all it's weight off the earth, it disintegrated into God's presence.  Not that the problem was 'gone'.  It was taken care of.  The answer was There.  On it's way to those who needed it as only God can do.
I'm not trying to get into mysticism here - I'm just sharing how God helped lift my burdens this morning.  How wonderful to have a God who not only knows the best solution to every problem, but also cares enough about every detail of our lives to lift and guide us.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Word of God over Media

Thoughts from Bro. Sams:
Charles Colson wrote in A Dangerous Grace the following thoughts about No Graven Images.
“Neil Postman’s devastating critique of television Amusing Ourselves to Death, was welcomed by critics, reviewed in all the right magazines - but not once did we learn where Postman got his ideas. It turns out, he got them from the Bible.
Postman’s thesis is that different types of media encourage different ways of thinking. The printed word requires sustained attention, logical analysis, and an active imagination. But television, with its fast-moving images, encourages a short attentions span, disjointed thinking, and purely emotional responses.
Postman says he first discovered this connection in the Bible. As a young man, he read the Ten Commandments and was struck by the words: “‘You shall not make for yourself a graven image.”’ Postman says he realized that the idea of a universal deity cannot be expressed in images but only in words. As he writes, “‘The God of the Jews was to exist in the Word and through the Word, an unprecedented conception requiring the highest order of abstract thinking.”’
This is the God Christians worship today - a God known principally through His Word. Many religions have a scripture, of course. Yet most teach that the way to contact the divine is through mystical visions, emotional experiences, or Eastern-style meditation. Judaic Christianity alone insists on the primacy of language.
Gene Edward Veith, in Reading Between the Lines, explains why” The heart of our religion is a relationship with God - and relationships thrive on communication. We cannot know people intimately by merely being in their presence. Veith says. It takes conversation to share thoughts and personalities. Christians are meant to have an ongoing conversation with God. We address Him in the language of prayer, and He addresses us in the language of Scripture.
Historically, this emphasis on the Word has had a deep impact on Western culture. In earlier societies, reading was confined to an elite. It was the Reformation that first aimed at universal literacy, so that the Bible could be put into the hands of every believer.
Today, missionaries are still doing the same thing. Yet we are in danger of coming full circle. The visual media created by modern science may ultimately undermine literacy, turning us back into an image-based culture. In the Old Testament, God’s people were tempted by graven images.

Today the images are graven by electronics on cathode-ray tubes. Christians need to learn when to flip the switch - to remain true to our historical reputation as the “‘people of the Book.”’