Saturday, November 12, 2011

Revival Service with Youth

I wish everyone could hear the message we had last night.  Bro. Sankey preached on having the peace of God in our hearts and what that means.  He spoke on prayer, praise, clear conscience, criticism, getting out of our comfort zone for God and other things.  I appreciated how he said it's not enough to have a clear conscience - we need to have a healthy conscience to begin with.  The devil can give us all kinds of 'impressions' to confuse us and our flesh can excuse truth so easily.  Get into the Word to develop a healthy conscience!
We had the youth from our area at the service.  It was a blessing to see them respond to pray at the altar and to testify.  There probably should have been more adults there as well...but God only knows.
Yesterday was my birthday and I want to share the birthday card ARiana gave me.  It was made out of 4 or five sheets of paper put into a booklet with stickers she had.  It was a book of 'poems'. This is what they said:

"Flowers live and flowers die, but you and me are side by side forever."
"Mom, we are like two flowers growing side by side learning how to love and help each other."
"Mom, our family is a bunch of flowers.  When times are rough, we stick together."
"Mom, we are both different in many ways, but when it comes to love, we are the same."
"Mom, when times get tough, we have a joy, forgiveness and love."

This gift so touched my heart.  It's the first card she has made me which does not refer to the darkness of her past.  If she feels as secure in our home as this writing would sooo bless my heart!!

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